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Friday, December 17, 2004
as we are getting close to the special time of the year when we get more time to spend with our family and friends, we would like to wish everyone a very merry christmas and all the blessings of a new year

stelly @ 4:13 PM

review: fan chan 
jeab was always playing with noi-na since they toddlers simply because their houses were close together. at first jeab enjoyed playing with hoi-na but soon found himself embarrased to be seen playing house with the girls (pretend to bake cakes) or jumping with rubber string while the neighborhood boys are out racing bikes, kicking soccer balls & pretending to be kung-fu fighters. adolescence changed jeab's social group & he started hanging around with other boys. in order to join the gang of boys, however, he needs to prove himself worthy. unfortunately jeab's desperate need for acceptance could lead to another thing boys are naturally good at - breaking girls' hearts. he agreed to torment the other girls - including his noi-na. noi-na was of course upset & angry. coincidentally her family moved to another province a week later & jeab missed the chance to reconcile with her.

10 years have passed and now jeab looks back to his childhood & regrets that maybe he should have made some better decisions in his life. his flashback is provoked by the news that his childhood sweetheart is about to get married.

the story line is very simple yet has strong substance & interests me with its uniqueness. the child actors's acting in the movie was so great. being a ten-year-old kid they naturally performed their siliness & carefree innocence. the set is thailand in early '80s - when children did not need lots of money to have fun. its young actors - charlie trairat & focus jeerakul are superb. this movie was a big hit in thailand last year. now the film's child stars are celebrities in thailand.

this film provoked a thought in my mind... life is short & before you know it 10 years had gone by & a lot of things had changed. do whatever u're intending to do NOW! don't give any slight chance for regretting later.

it's definetely a must-see movie for everybody who wants to smile and remember their childhood and first love. i'm just grateful & happy to be along for the ride.

stelly @ 9:19 AM